Joe Mooney Summer School

Summer School of Traditional Irish Music, Song & Dance

B & Bs

Please find a list of local Bed and Breakfast accommodation:
NameAddressEircodePhoneEmailAccommodation TypeRooms
Canice Mooney Guest HouseChurch Street, DrumshanboN41 XOK7086 3785902
086 8453132
canicemooneyguesthouse@gmail.comB & B2 double rooms
Sheila Moran

Drumgorman, DrumshanboN41F9X8087 9207898sheilagmoran@gmail.comB and B1 king, 1 double, 1 twin
Bridget McgarryHilly Road, drumshanboN41c896087 6130563Bridgetmcgarry1@gmail.comB and BSingle room available for full week.
Siobhain McGowan
Drumduff North, Carrick Rd, DrumshanboN41 NW90086 8060491siobhain111@gmail.comB and B1 single room
Berry's Tavern & Bed and BreakfastHigh Street, DrumshanboN41 VK19087 1252050 071 9641070berrystavern1@gmail.comB and B4 twins, 1 double, 2 triple
Maureen Mc GourtyDristernaun, Drumshanbo087 6444945B and B1 Double Ensuite
Mary McKeon
CorryardN41 VF96087 9661483farrellandmary@hotmail.comB and B2 double rooms ensuite
1 single room
1 Triple room ensuite
Ciara FallonMountain View, Drumshanbo0876598230B & B3 double rooms
Elaine SherwinMurhaun House, Dowra RoadN41 YV66087 9813902B & B4 doubles & 1 single
Olivia NolanDrumcoura, Drumshanbo087 7919779B & B1 double ensuite room
Maggie Smith 12 Hillcrest, DrumshanboN41VF63087 1933939B & B2 doubles
Marie MulveyLustia, Drumshanbo086 7828915B & B1 double room & 1 single room
Angela Mc CormackCreagh, DrumshanboN41 N520087 9844097B & B2 double rooms
Paula Connaire
Ashdale, Drumshanbo087 6522427ploughlin18@hotmail.comB & B2 ensuite rooms
Tonita Mc KeonMahanagh, Drumshanbo N41 HY10087 & B3 double room ensuite
Mick Cannon8 Radharc an Bhaile, DrumshanboN41 XK26087 949 8069mikc101@hotmail.comB & B1 ensuite double room & 2 double room
Paddy Smith Cormongan, Drumshanbo, N41 W685085 1895756B & B 2 double ensuite rooms
Oliver Mc Padden Carrick Road, DrumshanboN41 F223089 4874720B & B 1 double room
Sheena Dwyer3 Glen Ailinne, Drumshanbo N41 AW89085 2530878sheenamunnis@hotmail.comB & B1 double ensuite, 1 family room, 1 twin
Julie Ward
Hill Road, DrumshanboN41H4X20863488424julieward52@gmail.comB&B1 double & 1 single
Annmarie LoganRoscunnish, DrumshanboN41 XO86086 1500740B & B1 king bed with ensuite, 2 double rooms
Phillip BattersDrumshanboN41 Y623087 2466975B & B1 Double room
Gerardine BeirneDrumcoura, DrumshanboN41 XH67087 6694362gerardinebeirne@gmail.comB & B2 Double rooms, shared bathrooms
Breda Mc KeonBlackberryhill Lodge, DrumshanboN41 PH30086 886 7041bizybees19@gmail.comB & B1 double & 1 twin (both ensuite) & 1 triple
Yvonne Guckian
'Willow Hall', Aughriman, DrumshanboN41HP71087 2759909yguckian@gmail.comB and B1 Double Room
Breda McLoughlinDrumgorman, Drumshanbo071 9641115mcloughlinclare83@yahoo.ieB and B1 double
2 family / twin ensuite
Alison Smith13 Ashdale, DrumshamboN41 EF10086 3812546alismith28@gmail.comB and BDouble & twin room
Mary Mc KeonAughnagallop, Drumshanbo, Co. LeitrimN41PD72087 2761853mckeonmaryg@yahoo.comB and B2 double rooms
Máirin Heron

DrumshanboN41Y628071 9641260 0876360446fraochban@eircom.netB and B2 double rooms, 1 twin & 2 double/twin
Mary Ann SomersDerrintoney House. Derrintoney. DrumshanboN41 Y1Y5087 9236649maryannmcmanus@ymail.comB and BDouble room with own bathroom.
Betty Cannon31 Dristernan. DrumshanboN41 X962071 96 40824bettycannon31@icloud.comB and B2 double rooms
Annette Dowler
71 Taraval House, Derrintonny, DrumshanboN41CF63087 2035116annetteoleary924@gmail.comB and B3 X Db rooms
Ursula flynnAughriman, drumshanboE41EY26086 3828761 071 9640623ursulaflynn72@gmail.comB and B1 double room
Phyllis Moran
Aughnagallop Drumshanbo Co. LeitrimN41 X096071 9641548 086 2053082noneB and B3 rooms/ 1 single/ 1 double/ 1 with a single and double bed
Tara mc GovernCornaroy, DrumshanboN41AY65087 and BFamily room with single bed and small double bed. Double room. Private sitting room . Tea coffee facilities. Suit family.
Donal LoganCurragha drumshanbo co.leitrimN41HY44087 9208241Donallogan90@gmail.comB&B/Self Catering2 twins and 1 double
Ita GrayMahanagh DrumshanboN41 PX48087 2141390ita.gray@boi.comB and BTwo double rooms, on the ground floor.
Martina Cull10 allenbrooke, drumshanboN41wd86087 Catering1xsingle, 2xdoubles
Alan Mc GrathAughaguinea, Drumshanbo086 3415741B and B1 Double Room
Rachel ButlerDrumgorman, DrumshanboN41R6270876696236B and B2 double rooms (1 ensuite), 1 double bed & 2 single beds
Zona FoleyCornacranaghy, KilclareN41 X822087 9441760zona.foley@gmail.comB & B2 rooms, 1 double
Patricia KeaneKilclare, Carick on Shannon0877089029patriciaobrienkeane@gmail.comB & B2 doubles & 2 singles
Imelda Lynchkilclare, Carrick on ShannonN41 X6C6071 9640577 086 2641529imeldalynch2022@gmail.comB&B1 king/family room ensuite & 1 double room
Karen Cornacranaghy , KilclareN41 YOY7086 3076562B & B2 double rooms
Sharon FlynnAughnasheelinN41 R973086 8759721sharon_flynn@hotmail.comB & B2 double rooms (1 ensuite)
Terry EarleyStrabraggan arigna co RoscommonN41fx76086 8853815Terryearley85@yahoo.ieB&B/Self CateringEn-suite rooms. Approx 3 miles from Drumshambo
Fionnuala Mc GuinnessStrabaggan, Mount Allen, Drumshanbo087 and B1 Double room, 2 twin rooms
James NolanStrabaggan, ArignaN41 D7X3085 1613137B & B1 single room
Hillary Mac BrideLeitrim VillageN41 WF65087 7382566B and B1 Double room
Denise Mc Weeneydrumhierneylodge.comN41V090086 8621920 071 9623145denisemcweeney@gmail.comB and B3 double ensuite rooms
Claire NooneBallinaboy Lodge, Leitrim Village, Carrick on Shannon, Co LeitrimN41 V838086 8971519cnoone40@gmail.comB and B1 double available Mon, Tues, and Wed.
Evelyn GavinAcorn House leitrim villageN417924071 9621284 086 8329540Evelynmgavin@gmail.comB and B3 double 3x twin
Colette O BrienKilarcan, Leitrim VillageN41 TD32086 865 4299B and B1 Double Room
Leitrim Inn LodgeLeitrim Village Carrick on Shannon, Co.LeitrimN41 V1K2071 96 21040info"theleitriminn.comB&B/Self CateringDouble Twin and Family ensuite Rooms
Gary O BrienShanballybaun, Battlebridge, Leitrim VillageN41 A720087 2233914lydongary@gmail.comB and B1 double room and 1 twin ensuite room
UrsulaLeitrim Village086 0722451B & B1 king with ensuite & 1 single
Michelle EarleyDrumshanbo Road, Leitrim Village087 3312017earleymm@hotmail.comB & B1 Double room ensuite
Noeleen Murray NooneKiltoghertN41WC99085 8509765B and B2 double rooms
Anne Cregg1 Beal Na Leice KeshcarriganN41 WY80087 708 2008annecregg@gmail.comB and B1 double room
Eamonn DempseyLisconnor kilclare Carrick on ShannonN41nh29086 8335942Dempseyeamonn1atgmail. ComB and B3double rooms each room. Double and single beds on suite
Declan and Barbara ByrneKeshcarriganN41TE81087 7563583bbyrne2011@hotmail.comB and B2 double rooms
Maire CanningMcKeons BAR KeshcarriganN41 RR72087-6124168Rockonmollies@gmail.comB and B2 x doubles rooms, 1 x family king & 3 singles - all share main bathroom, 1 z king & single ensuite
Denise MorganMain Street, KeshN41 PD76087 4341527B and B2 double bedrooms
Catherine ReynoldsKilnagross, Carrick on shannon00447951 598960B & B1 double room & 1 single room
Can provide transfers to Drumshanbo if required
Marcella ColumCorlona, DrumsnaN41CY91086 3845341B & B1 queen size & 1 single bed, bathroom
Olive StriffolinoLetterfine KeshcarriganN41K224087 9841288shamrockolive@gmail.comB and B1 double room, room with 2 double beds, room with double and single bed
Adrian and Sharon McGourtyHollymount, Ballinaglera, co LeitrimN42 FK11087 7829453sharonbmcgourty@gmail.comB and B2 double ensuite bedrooms
Martina McMorrowDruminalass, Ballinaglera, Co.LeitrimN41T688087 7569850martinartw@gmail.comB and BMULTIPLE rooms to rent in a house
Fiona ClarkeKingfisher House, BallinagleraN41 TF830044 7909 541269B & B1 king, 2 doubles, 1 room with 2 single beds
Mary Roddy Keadue087 6534990B and BMultiple rooms
Catherine KellyKeadueF52 NT27086 3293168/0719647240hillhousebnb@gmail.comB and B4 double ensuite & 3 single rooms
Christina MeehanKeadueF52X248086 371 7628cdsmeehan@gmail.comB and B4 double rooms
Mary Gilhooly FarrellTarmon0044 775988353B and B2 double rooms - 1 room has a double and a single
Maire Mc GovernCastlefore, Fenagh087 6143072B and B
Imelda GallagherLauderdale Rd, Fenagh087 4183150B and B1 Family Room (double & single), 1 room with 2 king size beds
Siobhán GallagherFenagh Village087 3748892siobhang@gmail.comB and B3 Double rooms, shared bathroom
Cerenna ReynoldsFenagh, Co. LeitrimN41VR99086 8890527cerenna.reynolds64@gmail.comB and B1 x double bed and single and 1x single room
Drumkeeran Holiday HomesDrumkeeranN41 PC990868044309 071 9641040marympmccormick@eircom.netB&B/Self Catering2 doubles and 1 single
Alanna Moore Drumsna071 96162542 bedrooms , can sleep 6
Mar Kelly7 Dun Ri, Carrick on Shannon087 2596420markellym67@icloud.comBed only1 double room
Marie MurrayCarrick on Shannon086 8406311B & B3 rooms , communal bathroom
Nuala Mc DermottCarrick on Shannon087 963 0136B & B2 double rooms
Antoinette Mc GuinnessAnnaduff Ck-On-ShannonN41 FC 78086 166 2644antoinettemcguinness@hotB and B1 Twin room
Dympna ButlerSalmon leap house
Jamestown village
Carrick on Shannon
Co Leitrim
N41E765071 9624571dympnabutler@hotmail.comB&B/Self Catering2 twin room 4 family 1double
Topper's Rooms Accomodation Main Street, Carrick-On-Shannon, Co LeitrimN41YR80085 1920857bookings@toppersrooms.ieB&B/Self CateringTopper's Rooms Accomodation is a boutique style first floor accommodation arranged with single rooms, twin rooms and triple rooms most ensuite.
There is a small shared kitchen you can prepare tea/ coffee and cereal and toast and there is a Microwave
Accommodation available from Sunday to Friday to suit families or groups
. Transport can be arrange to classes in the morning
Teresa Lenehan37 Oakport CootehallF52 TD39086 8253640
071 9667369 (after 6)
colmlenehan.the bawn@gmail.comB and BDouble room & single room with bunk bed
Eimear Doherty15 Cuilmore Cove, Cootehall, Co. Roscommon086 8119117eimeardoherty@gmail.comB&B/Self Catering2 - 3 King Sized rooms availble - all rooms ensuite. Lovely views of the lake/river.
Trish McHughAmber B&B
Corrigeenroe, Boyle
Co. Roscommon
F52FY74087 7467282trish@amberbnb.comB and B1 Double room ensuite
1 twin room ensuite
Hamills B&BHigh Street Ballinamore Co. LeitrimN41 RT22071 9644211Stat@hamillsbedandbreakfast.comB and B13 en-suite failte ireland approved
Susan MoranWillowfield Road, BallinamoreN41 TN52089 2362501susanmoran59@sky.comB and B1 X double ensuite, 1 X double &/or twin with adjacent bathroom
Teach na Leacan Ballinamore089 9880402B & B
claire NooneBallinamore, Co. LeitrimN41AY20071 9644122info@riversdaleholidays.comB and B9 bedroom Guesthouse, please phone for availability
Margaret DuignanMain Street, BallinamoreN41T8X40877752102B&b/Self Catering4 double rooms.
Terry ShorttBallinamoreN41 252087 7945966B and B1 double & 1 single
Ann Lynch Geevagh F52XW30087 9234269anncondon3@gmail.comB & B1 twin and 1 single room Lift available to and from classes if needed.