Joe Mooney Summer School

Summer School of Traditional Irish Music, Song & Dance

Department of Education approved course for primary school teachers

We have been approved by the Department of Education for one course specifically for primary school teachers . The course title is:

Tin Whistle in the Primary Classroom.

The course runs from Monday 17th – Friday 21st July from 9:30am – 2:00pm 

This beginner course aimed at primary teachers equips participants with the skills, technique, knowledge, methodologies, and tunes required to begin tin-whistle lessons in the classroom. It gives participants a solid foundation in the basics of music theory and provides a step by step guide on how to plan structured and engaging tin-whistle lessons.  Participants will become better equipped to enable children to explore, listen to, and respond to the sounds of music, and gain a new found confidence in their own musical competency.

Course tutor Lisa Ward hails from Co. Leitrim and is a Senior All Ireland Fiddle Champion.  She has a Bachelor of Education from Mary Immaculate College and a Masters in Irish Traditional Music Performance. Lisa has eleven years experience teaching in the classroom and also provides tin-whistle tuition in her school.

Places are limited so teachers who wish to guarantee approval for their EPV days must register with payment online by 6th July.